Few people actually want to work for their entire lives, and most look forward to the time when they can finally put their feet up and retire. However, there are benefits for seniors having a part-time job. The best advantage of part-time work after retirement is maintaining an active brain and body. Even simple tasks such as working a cash register or organizing an office can keep the mind sharp. Part-time work is also a chance to follow through with a log-time interest. For example, amateur gardeners may be able to hone their skills working a few days a week at the local nursery or creating flower arrangements at a florist shop.
Working after retirement is not only about the money. A part-time job provides opportunities for social interaction, adds structure to your days and can give you the satisfaction of a job well done.
McHARRIE LIFE SENIOR COMMUNITY offers independent retirement care, assisted living, memory care, respite care, skilled nursing care, and short-term rehabilitation. To tour our senior community at 7740 Meigs Road, Baldwinsville, please call (315) 638-2521.
P.S. If you are fortunate enough not to need the extra income from a part-time job after retirement, volunteer work can provide the same benefits of keeping your mind and body active.