Write It Down


A life well-lived deserves to be examined and shared with the world. A terrific way of doing that is to write down stories and facts that will be appreciated and enjoyed by future generations. Families especially may benefit from them and build upon these narratives, and when the time is right, add...

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Getting By Giving


Volunteering your skills, knowledge, companionship, and time is a wonderful benefit to your sense of well-being as you age. You can share decades of learning and experience with others who may benefit from it. If you have already crossed a bridge, you can help build one for the person coming behind...

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A Beautiful Day on the Course


Golf is a wonderful sport, and literally millions of senior citizens enjoy and benefit from it. The advantages range from the physical improvements it can make in one’s life to the social aspects of playing with like-minded people. The average golfer walks four miles on an eighteen-hole course. In a...

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Take a Painting Class


Even if you have never picked up a paintbrush in your life, it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy painting or become great at it. Painting is subjective. Some people love Picasso while others like Michelangelo. Beauty is different for everyone. A skilled art teacher can help you get started.  Your mind re...

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Where Is Your Car?


We have all done it: Parked our car and forgotten where it is. Luckily, there are now apps to help you pinpoint the location of your car. Some apps will also alert you to locations of your friends if they use the same app. Assisting you in finding a parking space is another feature available on many...

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Joining A Book Club

Joining A Book Club


Joining a book club can enrich your life in so many ways. You may meet new friends who share their perspectives, experiences, and knowledge with you. Because books have the unique ability to transport you to different places and times, they will expand your horizons and, possibly, challenge the way...

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Beneficial Herbs


There are numerous beneficial herbs that strengthen our immune systems. Among them are basil, oregano, mint, parsley, and thyme. Many of these herbs are easy to grow indoors during the winter and can be placed outside during the summer months. They can also flavor our food in a tasty and natural way...

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Schedule A Day Trip

Schedule A Day Trip


Most people love to travel, and senior citizens are no different. However, as people get older, they may have to deal with health issues and have less energy than they used to, and they may encounter other factors that can cause travel to be more challenging. Fortunately, there are many companies th...

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